Addressing High Functioning Alcoholism In Workplace

As a medical doctor working in a Joburg rehab centre, I often see the effects of high-functioning alcoholism on individuals. These effects can permeate all aspects of life, including the workplace. A person may not show the stereotypical signs of alcoholism, yet they can still suffer from this disorder. Addressing high-functioning alcoholism in workplace wellness programmes is an issue that needs our attention now more than ever.

High-functioning alcoholism is a form of alcohol use disorder where an individual can maintain their job, relationships, and other responsibilities, despite their addiction. Often, this makes the condition harder to recognise and, therefore, more dangerous. It’s not unusual for high-functioning alcoholics to deny that they have a problem because they manage to fulfil their duties. However, the damage caused by alcohol on their physical and mental health, relationships, and productivity is undeniable.

Workplace wellness programmes can play a significant role in addressing high-functioning alcoholism. Given that these individuals spend a substantial amount of time at work, the workplace becomes a critical platform for identifying and addressing the addiction issue.

  1. Awareness is crucial. Workplace wellness programmes can educate employees about the signs of high-functioning alcoholism. They can create a safe space for employees to speak about their struggles without fear of judgement or consequences. This openness can help to break the stigma around alcoholism and encourage those affected to seek help.
  1. Workplace wellness programmes can provide necessary resources and support for employees battling high-functioning alcoholism. This support can come in the form of counselling services, flexible work hours to accommodate treatment, and linking employees with rehabilitation services.
  1. Fostering a culture of health and wellness in the workplace can discourage excessive alcohol use. This involves promoting healthy habits, providing support for stress management, and ensuring that work events do not centre around alcohol.

As someone on the front lines of the battle against addiction, I can affirm that the journey to recovery is a different experience for each person. Rehabilitation centres, like the one where I work, offer personalised treatment plans to suit each individual’s unique circumstances.

Endorsing and recommending the values of going to rehab is not just a professional opinion; it is an observation based on numerous successful recovery stories. Rehab provides a safe and supportive environment where individuals can focus on their healing. It offers a structured programme, professional assistance, peer support, and tools to handle triggers and prevent relapse.

In South Africa, with our unique work culture and social dynamics, we must pay more attention to high-functioning alcoholism. We need to support individuals on their recovery journey, acknowledging that it’s a personal and distinct path for everyone. As we invest in comprehensive workplace wellness programmes, we’re investing in a healthier, more productive workforce and, ultimately, a stronger South Africa. I urge everyone affected by high-functioning alcoholism not to delay seeking help. Reach out to a rehabilitation centre, and start your unique journey to recovery.

When it comes to addressing high-functioning alcoholism in workplace wellness programmes, several alternative concepts could potentially complement traditional approaches. Here, we will explore two: the harm reduction model and the holistic wellness approach.

The harm reduction model is an alternative that contrasts the traditional abstinence-based approach. Instead of insisting that individuals completely abstain from alcohol, harm reduction strategies focus on minimising the negative consequences associated with alcohol use. This model acknowledges that some employees might not be ready or willing to completely stop drinking but could be open to strategies that help reduce harm.

In your workplace, adopting a harm reduction strategy might look like providing resources on safer drinking practices, advocating for lower-risk drinking behaviours, and offering support for those looking to cut back their alcohol use. While this approach contrasts the more common abstinence-based methods typically found in workplace wellness programmes, it may resonate more with high-functioning alcoholics who aren’t prepared to entirely quit drinking.

Holistic Approach 

On the other hand, the holistic wellness approach aligns more closely with traditional methods but expands upon them. This approach acknowledges the multidimensional nature of wellness, integrating physical, mental, and social aspects. It recognises that factors such as stress, work-life balance, and mental health can contribute to alcohol misuse.

By adopting a holistic wellness approach in your workplace, you’re not just focusing on alcohol use. Instead, you are addressing the overall well-being of your employees. This might involve introducing initiatives that promote physical health, mental resilience, and strong social networks in addition to addressing alcohol use directly. Yoga classes, mental health days, team-building activities, and resilience training are examples of holistic initiatives that can promote overall wellness and indirectly discourage excessive alcohol use.

These alternative concepts, both the harm reduction model and the holistic wellness approach, offer unique perspectives on dealing with high-functioning alcoholism. While they differ in their principles and execution, both could offer valuable benefits when integrated into workplace wellness programmes. They provide additional tools to address the complex issue of high-functioning alcoholism and can complement the conventional methods used in your workplace wellness strategy.

As you reflect on the insights about high-functioning alcoholism and workplace wellness programs, remember that change, although challenging, is possible. With awareness, commitment, and the right resources, workplaces can transform into environments that not only recognise but also address high-functioning alcoholism effectively.

Taking steps to create a comprehensive workplace wellness programme that incorporates both traditional and alternative concepts can yield significant benefits. Remember, your commitment to such a cause goes beyond improving the company’s bottom line. It is about uplifting and supporting the individuals who dedicate their time and skills to your organisation. It’s about creating a culture of health, understanding, and mutual support where everyone can thrive.

In the context of addiction recovery, these initiatives can make a world of difference. For the high-functioning alcoholic, your workplace can be the place that breaks the cycle of denial and launches their journey to recovery. Whether you choose to adopt an abstinence-based, harm reduction, or holistic wellness approach, the critical part is creating an environment where individuals feel safe to seek help.

Remember that each recovery is a unique set of circumstances, and what works for one person may not work for another. Embrace the diversity of these journeys and provide a range of resources to cater to different needs.
Nelson Mandela once said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” At first, addressing high-functioning alcoholism in your workplace might seem like a daunting task. But, with perseverance, compassion, and a commitment to wellness, you can help reshape lives and create a healthier, more productive work environment. The first step may be challenging, but the outcomes make it all worth it. It’s not impossible, and with your efforts, it can be done.


I am digital marketing expert & full time blogger.

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